Here is the official contact details of Ingwe TVET College, Address, Email, Phone Numbers, Campus Location, Alumni, Website, Fax, Tel, Ranking, FAQs, Google Map, Banking Details, Postal Codes, Opening Days, and Hour as obtained from the official website/campus.
Ingwe TVET College Contact Details
List of our campuses around the Eastern Cape Region,
- Mount Fletcher Campus : 039 257 0109
- Mount Frere Campus : 039 255 1718
- Maluti Campus : 039 256 0670
- Siteto Campus : 071 684 1374
- Ngqungqushe Campus : 039 253 7268/9
RELATED:Â Ingwe TVET College Online Application
Ingwe TVET College Contact Details.
If you want to talk to us we would love to hear from you!
For all your enquiries and more please contact our administration office using the following contact details
Administration Center: Badibanise Village Mount Frere
 Tel : 039 940 2142
 Fax : 086 664 34423
NOTE: At the time of publishing the contact details of Ingwe TVET College including location, email, and phone numbers, the article is subject to change at any time, so we give no guarantee that the details below are error-free, Thus, team is not responsible for any errors or omissions contained in this article and accepts no responsibility or liability.
However, if you have queries regarding the Ingwe TVET College Contact Details, Please kindly DROP A COMMENT below and we will respond to it as soon as possible.