Institute of Social Work Ordinary Diploma Programmes And Requirements

Institute of Social Work Ordinary Diploma Programmes and Requirements released.

Institute of Social Work Ordinary Diploma Programmes and Requirements

The Institute of Social Work (ISW) Ordinary Diploma Programmes admission application form, entry requirements, admission portal, how to apply online, cut off point and application closing date is published below.

Institute of Social Work Background.

Relevance of the Institute in the Current Industrialisation Agenda.

A well-educated and skilled population is a core competitive advantage to industrial development. Higher overall skill levels across the population give a country an ability to efficiently produce higher value products and services, and thus compete with other countries on factors of production other than price of labour. The rewards from this competitive advantage trickle down to the population through higher wages and high tax income that can be spent on infrastructure as well as community building and welfare services. People with post-school-qualifications have lower rates of unemployment than people who do not (COTVET, 2009)[2]. How do skills training systems support skills acquisition and upgrading? How does the education system interface and interact with labour markets and industries to coordinate skills development with changing industry need? What are good practices and lessons from different countries and regions that can better inform skills development policy making?

Technical Education and Training or sometimes referred as Competency-Based Education and Training (CBET) has been identified by countries in Asia-Pacific (Maclean et al (eds), 2013)[4] as a priority area for educational policy and practice and socio-economic transformation. It answers all the mentioned questions on skills mismatch between the academia and the industries.

This is not surprising since there is overwhelming evidence to demonstrate that technical education can play an essential role in promoting sustainable economic, growth and socio-economic development of countries (Maclean et al, (eds), 2013)Can address socio-economic needs of the country,

  1. are job creators and not job seekers
  2. have innovative and creative skills
  3. have problem-solving skills
  4. can efficiently and effectively work under diversity and stressful environment
  5. can be able to identify and utilize the potential opportunities

The Institute of Social Work has adopted a new way of teaching that mainly focuses on promoting human capital and industrial transformation. This is supported by Al Maktoum (2012)To provide training in the principles, procedures and techniques of Social Work, Labour studies and Human Resource Management.

  1. To conduct training leading to professional qualification in generic and multi – functional of other related subjects as the Board of Governors may decide from time to time.
  2. To stimulate and promote the pursuits by students of specialised and higher professional courses of study in social Work, Labour studies and Human Resource Management in accordance with the National policies and development requirements.
  3. To provide consultancy services to the public in areas of Social Work, Labour studies and Human Resource Management and other related areas.
  4. To conduct examinations and grant awards of the ISW as provided by the Act, and other relevant bodies such as the National Accreditation Council for Technical Education(NACTE).
  5. To perform all such other functions as stipulated in the Act which established the Institute.

Core Values

To accomplish its obligations, the institute is guided by core values as stated hereunder:-

Pursuit of Excellence in Service

Every employee shall strive to achieve the highest standards in work. This implies team work and commitment in delivery of high quality services.

Loyalty to Government

Every employee shall faithfully serve the duly elected Government of the day, and shall comply with the lawful instruction of respective ministers and senior officers to the best of his/her ability.

Diligence on Duty

During work hours, every employee shall be at work place and shall devote himself/herself wholly to the work during this time.

Impartiality in the Service

An employee is not allowed to engage in political activities at place of work or allow political views to influence the performance of his/her duties.


Employee shall not seek or accept gifts, favours or inducements, finances or otherwise, in the course of discharging their duties. Likewise, an employee shall not offer gifts, favours or inducements and shall not use official information acquired in the course of his/her official duties to gain personal financial advantage.

Courtesy to All

Every employee shall treat students, client and colleagues with dignity and courtesy. S/he shall be particularly considerate when dealing with vulnerable groups such as the elderly, the poor, the sick and people with disabilities and other disadvantaged groups in society.

Respect for the Law

An employee shall not commit unlawful acts nor shall s/he instruct or encourage any other persons to do so. If a public servant is asked or directed to commit an unlawful act, he/she shall report the matter to his/her superior officer for action.

Proper Use of Official Information

An employee shall not divulge or misuse official information.


Every employee should respect the privacy of customers (students and non students) and hold in confidence all information obtained in the course of service provision.

Adherence to Professional Ethical Principles

Every employee shall adhere to ethical issues regarding his/her profession.

[2]Jagannathan, S. (2013). “Skills for Inclusive and Sustainable Growth, in Developing Asia and the Pacific.” Asian Development Bank.
[4] Deibinger, T., & Hellwing, S. (2011). “Structures and Functions of Competency-Based Educating and Training (CBET): A Comparative Perspective.” GIZ and BMZ
[6]Rashid AlMaktoum,M.(2012). “Myvision:Challenges intheRace for Excellence.”The Dubai Government Media Office, Dubai.


Ordinary Diploma Programmes (NTA Level 5)

Entry Qualification

    1. The applicant must have at least a minimum of one (1) principal pass and a subsidiary at Advanced Certificate of Secondary Education Examination (ACSEE) in appropriate subjects that will amount to minimum of 1.5 points (i.e. at least one E and S). In addition, the applicant must have at least four (4) passes from Certificate of Secondary Education Examination (CSEE).


    1. The applicant with a certificate from an institution recognized by NACTE with a minimum GPA of 2. In addition, the applicant must have at least four (4) passes from Certificate of Secondary Education Examination (CSEE).


  1. The applicant who holds a Certificate in Nursing/Midwifery and related courses, and Certificate in Education (Grade III A) must have an average of C from institutions recognized by NACTE. In addition, the applicant must have at least four (4) passes from Certificate of Secondary Education Examination (CSEE).

Apply online here

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