TCU Services Payment Portal | TCU Control Number Request Portal | This is the step by step guide on How to Pay TCU Services through Government Electronic Payment Gateway (GePG) Online.
Authority of the Tanzania Commission for Universities (TCU) has enabled its online payment portal and instructions on How to pay TCU Online Services through Government Electronic Payment Gateway (GePG) for Undergraduate, Diploma, Postgraduate, Certificate, Masters, Remedial, P.hD. programmes students.
The Tanzania Commission for Universities (TCU) is a body corporate established on 1st July 2005, under the Universities Act 2005 (Chapter 346 of the Laws of Tanzania) with mandate to recognize, approve, register and accredit Universities operating in Tanzania, and local or foreign University level programs being offered by registered higher education institutions. It also coordinates the proper functioning of all university institutions in Tanzania so as to foster a harmonized higher education system in the country.
TCU Services Payment Portal Instructions
- Fill All required fields
- Start your phone number with zero(0) NOT (+255)
- Enter valid email Address
TCU Student Online Services System
The Tanzania Commission for Universities offers some of its services online. Below are the online systems used to deliver online services to its stakeholders:-
- Foreign Awards Assessment System (FAAS)
- Programme Management System (PMS)
- Universities Information Management System (UIMS)
Foreign Awards Assessment System(FAAS)
This is an online system used by Tanzanians/Non-Tanzanians with foreign awards to submit their awards to TCU for evaluation.
How To Login TCU FAAS Portal
- To access the system click here.
TCU Programme Management System (PMS)
This is an online system used by University Institutions to submit curricula for review /approval before being operational. The system is also used by TCU to approve and publish approved curricula.
How To Login TCU PMS Portal
- To access the system click here.
TCU Universities Information Management System (UIMS)
This is an online system for managing information for accredited Universities operating in Tanzania. The system is used to collect, process and disseminate information to TCU stakeholders. The information managed includes Undergraduate admission data, student’s enrolment, graduates, staff, student’s drop-outs, University facilities, infrastructure details and revenue and expenditure data.
How To Login TCU UIMS Portal
- To access the system click here.
How To Access the TCU Student Online Services System
Interested student should pay the participation fee and send the payment slip to TCU through OR
- To access the system, click here>>
TCU Control Number Request Portal | How to Pay TCU Services through GePG
Are you pondering on how to request TCU control number, how to fill in your details and make payment? Don’t worry just follow the steps below:
- Fill All required fields
- Start your phone number with zero(0) NOT (+255)
- Enter valid email Address
Official TCU Services Payment Gateway Link:
For further details about the Tanzania Commission for Universities (TCU) TCU Services Payment Procedures, Students may visit their department for any challenge experienced on their profile or during any of the above procedures.
RECOMMENDED: TCU Online Exhibition Registration Portal
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