SAIEE Bursaries 2022 for South Africans | How to apply for SAIEE bursaries program online, application form pdf download, requirements, eligibility, and SAIEE bursary application closing date 2022-2022.
Are you a student looking for Companies that offer Bursaries in South Africa? The SAIEE invites an application from suitable and qualified students for their bursary program 2022-2023 Academic Year.
Let’s dive into the full information about SAIEE bursaries and application details for 2022.
Overview of SAIEE Bursary Program
A bursary is a monetary award made by any educational institution or funding authority to individuals or groups. It is usually awarded to enable a student to attend school, university, or college when they might not be able to, otherwise. Some awards are aimed at encouraging specific groups or individuals into the study.
If you are successfully enrolled with a University you can apply for a bursary.
SAIEE Bursary Application Details 2022-2023
The SAIEE has the following options available for suitable candidates who intend to study for a diploma or degree in Electrical or Computer Engineering at a South African tertiary institution:
The SAIEE Education and Bursary Fund
The SAIEE awards a number of bursaries each year. Monies made available from these funds are used to finance a certain number of bursaries annually, as well as funding the existing bursaries. These bursaries are awarded subject to the general rules and conditions of the SAIEE bursary scheme. The frequency of award, and the period for which it is tenable shall be decided by the SAIEE in its absolute discretion.
Download SAIEE Bursary Application Form
SAIEE President’s Scholarship
The Past Presidents Forum of the SAIEE awards prestigious scholarships which is a premium award for under graduate study at a South African University. This scholarship will be awarded each year, depending on the availability of funds in the Purse, for a maximum of four years of study. The scholarship should cover tuition, accommodation, books and subsistence allowances. These bursaries are awarded subject to the general rules and conditions of the SAIEE President’s Scholarship program. The amount of the scholarship will be determined at the time of offering.
Download SAIEE President’s Scholarship Application Form
Rules and Conditions of the SAIEE Bursary Scheme
Please return your completed application form with all enclosures to The Secretary, SAIEE, P O BOX 751253 GARDENVIEW 2047 or email RECEPTION@SAIEE.ORG.ZA
Make sure to read every detail of your Bursary contract. Not every company offers the same rewards.
However, if you have queries regarding the SAIEE bursary application 2022, Please kindly DROP A COMMENT below and we will respond to it as soon as possible.