SAAFoST: Student Bursary 2022-2023 | How To Apply

SAAFoST: Student Bursary 2022 for South Africans | How to apply for SAAFoST: Student bursaries program online, application form pdf download, requirements, eligibility, and SAAFoST: Student bursary application closing date 2022-2023.

Are you a student looking for Companies that offer Bursaries in South Africa? The SAAFoST: Student invites an application from suitable and qualified students for their bursary program 2022-2023 academic year.

Overview of SAAFoST: Student Bursary Program

bursary is a monetary award made by any educational institution or funding authority to individuals or groups. It is usually awarded to enable a student to attend school, university, or college when they might not be able to, otherwise. Some awards are aimed at encouraging specific groups or individuals into the study.

If you are successfully enrolled with a University you can apply for a bursary.

Let’s dive into the full information about SAAFoST: Student bursaries and application details for 2022.

SAAFoST: Student Bursary Application Details 2022-2023

The South African Association for Food Science and Technology (SAAFoST) Foundation is inviting interested students to apply for full term bursaries in the field of Food Science and Technology. SAAFoST Foundation is offering bursaries for full-time undergraduate food science and technology students, awarded on the basis of academic merit, employment equity, and demonstrated potential.

Selection Criteria

  • Preference will be given to students who excel academically and / or demonstrate potential.
  • Applicants must be enrolled for full time undergraduate study for a first degree or diploma in the field of Food Science and Technology at a South African Tertiary Institution, and be in a position to complete his / her chosen study programme within the prescribed period of the relevant South AfricanTertiary institution or following period:
  1. Undergraduate Degree (up to B.Sc (Hons) – 4 years
  2. B. Degree – 4 years or Higher Diploma
  3. B. Degree – 3 years
  • Applicants must be South African or permanent resident citizens who have been resident in South Africa for at least 3 years prior to application.
  • Applicants must have been a member of SAAFoST for at least 12 months preceding the application.
  • Applicants will be required to provide a written personal statement of not more than 1 A4 page outlining how their education and training in the field of food science and technology will make a positive difference in their lives and in the scientific community.
  • Applicants will be required to submit a reference that speaks of the applicant’s character. The reference letter will be written by someone at the Tertiary institution who has known the applicant in a learning capacity.
  • Applications will be reviewed by the SAAFoST Foundation, whose decision is final and binding.

Bursary package

The bursary includes financial assistance for the following:

  • Actual tuition fees levied by the tertiary institution as per a statement of account issued by the institution in the name of the student up to a maximum of R35 000.00 per annum until graduation. The payment is made directly to the Tertiary institution yearly in two installments; the first installment being subject to a satisfactory final mark for the previous year of study and the second installment being subject to satisfactory results in the first semester.

Bursary conditions

  • The student will be required to sign a contract as acceptance of and agreement to the conditions outlined below:
  • Granting of bursaries is not automatic and SAAFoST Foundation reserves the right not to award a bursary.
  • Only students who apply within the specified date and have fully completed the required application forms and whose registrations have been accepted by a university will be considered.
  • The student will be required to provide the SAAFoST Foundation with a six monthly report and exam results outlining the highlights of the year’s study including participation in SAAFoST activities.
  • The bursary will at the sole discretion of the SAAFoST Foundation be converted into a loan repayable in equal instalments, as determined by the SAAFoST Foundation, at the prime rate of interest if, without formal permission of the SAAFoST Foundation:
    1. The student terminates or interrupts his / her studies, without formal permission for the interruption of studies
    2. The student does not complete his / her studies within the period stated above
    3. The student fails any year or semester of study.
  • Should the recipient not successfully complete all of the stipulated courses in any bursary year or not successfully complete any outstanding subjects as supplementary examinations prior to the commencement of the following academic year, then at the sole discretion of the SAAFoST Foundation the bursary may be suspended for the following year with the proviso that, should the recipient successfully complete all of the courses in that subsequent year including any carried over courses from the previous year, then the SAAFoST Foundation will refund to the recipient, all suspended tuition fees and the bursary shall then continue as before, however, no repeated courses, subjects, or modules shall be paid for by the SAAFoST Foundation.

However, if you have queries regarding the SAAFoST: Student bursary application 2022, Please kindly DROP A COMMENT below and we will respond to it as soon as possible.


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