Maize Trust Bursary Application 2022-2023, Apply

Maize Trust Bursaries 2022 for South Africans | How to apply for Maize Trust bursaries program online, application form pdf download, requirements, eligibility, and Maize Trust bursary application closing date 2022-2022.

Are you a student looking for Companies that offer Bursaries in South Africa? The Maize Trust invites an application from suitable and qualified students for their bursary program 2022-2023 Academic Year.

Let’s dive into the full information about Maize Trust bursaries and application details for 2022.

Overview of Maize Trust Bursary Program

bursary is a monetary award made by any educational institution or funding authority to individuals or groups. It is usually awarded to enable a student to attend school, university, or college when they might not be able to, otherwise. Some awards are aimed at encouraging specific groups or individuals into the study.

If you are successfully enrolled with a University you can apply for a bursary.

Maize Trust Bursary Application Details 2022-2023

The Maize Trust is inviting students to apply for postgraduate bursary funding, for the 2022 academic year. Bursaries will be awarded for Masters and Doctoral studies, within the maize industry, which are relevant to the maize industry in South Africa, including the following:

  • Agronomy
  • Agricultural Economics
  • Agricultural Engineering
  • Agricultural Meteorology
  • Agricultural Writers
  • Biometry
  • Conservation Agriculture
  • Data Science
  • Demand Planner
  • Food Sciences (relevant to the crop industry)
  • Livestock Science
  • Molecular Biology
  • Pasture Science
  • Plant Biochemistry
  • Plant Breeding
  • Plant Entomology
  • Plant Nematology
  • Plant Pathology
  • Plant Physiology
  • Plant Virology
  • Precision Agriculture
  • Seed Applied Technologies
  • Soil Microbiology
  • Soil Science
  • Weed Science
  • other related field


Applicants must satisfy the following minimum entry criteria before applying:

  • You must be a South African citizen
  • You must have completed Matric
  • You must be studying full-time within one of the aforementioned fields of study (Masters by Dissertation or Doctoral qualifications only)
  • You must be studying at a tertiary institution recognised by the Maize Trust (University, College or Technikon)
  • You must NOT be in receipt of any other funding or bursary awards (unless agreed to by the Trust)
  • You must intend on conducting a dissertation/thesis on a topic that has been approved by the Maize Trust
  • You must be willing to work within the South African maize industry after completing your studies
  • You must have read and agreed to all of the Maize Trust Bursary condition, policies and procedures
  • You must agree to the terms of the Legal Undertaking (Section E) on the application form

The value of the bursary will depend on the level of study:

  • MSc/ Masters by Dissertation students will receive funding up to R95 000 per annum, for 2 years.
  • PhD/ Doctoral Research students will receive funding up to R125 000 per annum for 3 years.

The first bursary installment will be paid in January 2022. Bursary funding will be paid according to the submitted and approved progress reports, by the student and their supervisor.


Once students have graduated, they must work within the maize industry of South Africa, for a duration of time equal to that of the bursary received.

Make sure to read every detail of your Bursary contract. Not every company offers the same rewards.

However, if you have queries regarding the Maize Trust bursary application 2022, Please kindly DROP A COMMENT below and we will respond to it as soon as possible.


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