DIT Registration Process 2023/2024

Dar es Salaam Institute of Technology, DIT Registration Process 2023/2024 | All you need to know when registering for any program at DIT.

DIT Registration Process

The management of the Dar es Salaam Institute of Technology (DIT) has released the Registration Process as follows for the academic year online.

See also: DIT Online Application Form For All Programmes and DIT Admission General Information

DIT Registration Process 2023/2024

At the end of each semester students are required to sit for examinations in accordance with the Institutes regulations. In fulfilling these requirements, Ordinary Diploma (NTAs 4-6) and B.Eng (NTAs 7-8) students are required to observe the Institutes examination regulations under clause 5.1 (Statutory Examinations Powers) as approved by the DIT Council.


Statutory Examinations Power
The Dar es Salaam Institute of Technology (DIT) is empowered to make regulations governing the conduct of examinations and grant of awards by Section 25 of the Parliamentary Act No. 6 of 1997.

Primacy of Institute Examination Regulations
The Institute examination Regulations take precedence over any other regulations, including those of external or professional bodies, unless variation is specifically permitted by the DIT Council.

Examination Regulations and its applications
1 The examination regulations detail courses of action to be taken by DIT on all matters related to examinations and awards.
2 These examinations regulations apply to programmes leading to the qualifications National Technical Awards Levels 4 – 8.

Cognisance of Examination Regulations
By registering as DIT student every student is deemed to be cognisant of, and to have agreed to abide by, the examination rules set out in these regulations.

1. Examinations include continuous assessment (tests, assignments, seminars presentations, practicals or any other form of assessment specified in the study guide issued at the beginning of Semester) and end of Semester Examinations including practical where appropriate.

2 There shall be a written and, where the course demands, a practical examination during each end of semester for a course taught.

3 Timing of examinations shall be between 08.00 am and 09.00 pm any day of the week including weekends. Approved public holidays and other days when the Institute is closed are excluded.

Registration for modules
1 In the First Semester of any programme of study candidates shall register for studies and modules in their respective Departments during the orientation week.
2 Elective modules shall be registered at the Department offering the course and endorsed by the programme administering Department.
3 A candidate may be allowed to add or drop a module within the first two weeks of the semester subject to the approval of the programme administering Head of Department.
4 A candidate shall be examined in all modules registered for.
5 For an elective module to be offered, the minimum number of students shall be ten (10).
6 A candidate shall be registered in the first two weeks of a Semester.

Eligibility for Examinations
1 Candidates eligible for examinations shall be those fulfilling Institute registration and course eligibility requirements, and full payment of fees.

2 No candidate shall be eligible for any examination in any module unless the Head of Department has been satisfied that the candidate has undertaken and completed the course by attendance of at least 80% of the lectures and practicals.
a) A candidate with compelling reasons may be granted Permission to absent her/himself from class by the Head of Department after consultation with the Registrar.
b) Notwithstanding the provision of sub-section 2 (a), such a candidate shall be required to complete the course by attendance before being allowed to sit for the examination.

3 Permission for postponement of end of Semester Examinations for compelling reasons shall be granted by the Registrar in consultation with the Deputy Principal Academics, Research and Consultancy; while postponement of continuous assessment component for compelling reasons shall be granted by the respective Head of Department in consultation with the lecturer of the modules.

Performance Threshold
1 Examinations components
Examinations shall have two components that are assessed separately namely continuous assessment and end of Semester examinations. The candidates shall be required to pass both of them.
2 Weighting of Assessment components
The overall score shall be 100% and shall be composed of Continuous Assessment and end of Semester Examination components. Weighting of assessment components unless specified otherwise at the beginning of the semester shall be:
a) Continuous Assessment 40%
b) End of Semester Examination 60%

Passing score
The passing score for each assessment component out of 100% at the respective NTAs levels shall be:
a) 50% for continuous assessment, end of semester examination and for semester overall assessment for NTA levels 4 – 5
b) 45% for continuous assessment, end of semester examination and for semester overall assessment for NTA level 6
c) 40% for continuous assessment, end of semester examination and for semester overall assessment NTA levels 7 – 8


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