ATC application form 2023/2024 | The Arusha Technical College, ATC Undergraduate, Postgraduate, Degree, Diploma and Certificate Programmes Online Admission Application Form pdf, Courses Offered, Prospectus, Joining Instruction pdf, Registration Dates, Admission Requirements, Application Fees & admission closing date-deadline for the 2023/2024 academic year has been released.
The management of the Arusha Technical College (ATC) hereby invites application from suitable candidates for admission into the college for the 2023/2024 academic year. Interested applicant should adhere to the information provided below.
This page provides a list of all programmes, as well as the respective academic entry requirements and graduation requirements. It is therefore advisable to consult Principals, Dean, Directors and Heads of Departments responsible for the respective programmes for the most updated and more information about the programmes.
Arusha Technical College (ATC) Application Form 2023/2024.
The Arusha Technical College, ATC admission application form is open to all qualified applicants irrespective of colour, race, ethnic identity, religion, gender or national origin.
Interested candidate may apply to any of the Arusha Technical College Undergraduate, postgraduate, masters, diploma, doctorate, bachelor’s, pre-masters, distant learning, International, MBA, Ph.D. programs (Courses) at any time and be admitted subject to fulfilling ATC admission requirements 2023/2024.
Applyscholars has published the procedures to download/apply for the Arusha Technical College admission form for the 2023/2024 academic year below.
How to Apply For ATC Admission Online.
All application processes are done on the school’s official website. For more information and inquiries, you can contact the Arusha Technical College by visiting the institution’s official website or campus.
- Arusha Technical College Website:
However, if you have any feelings regarding the Arusha Technical College admission application form 2023/2024, Please kindly DROP A COMMENT below and we will respond to it as soon as possible.
Naomba kutumiwa fomu ya kujiunga na masomo na maelekezo mengine muhimua
Nahitaji kuja kujifunza uchoraji wa ramani za nyumba yaani (CIVIL DRAFTING).
Napatikana Dodoma – Tanzania
Ningependa kupatiwa taarifa na maelekezo yote mihimu
Naomba mnitumie application ya kujiunga na masomo ya bachelor in mechatronics