University of Limpopo (UL) Undergraduate Student Information


University of Limpopo (UL) Undergraduate Student Information.

1. Student Accommodation

The university has limited spaces in the residences. Therefore, students are encouraged to apply on time. Accommodation is provided for students in various residences on campus in well-designed, comfortable rooms that ensure an optimum atmosphere where students can live and study.

NB!! Admission into an academic program does not automatically mean a successful admission into any of the university residences. An application for accommodation must be submitted separately to the Residence / Housing Administration.

  • University of Limpopo
    Student Residences
    Private Bag X1106

2. Sports and Culture

The Campus offers ample opportunities for the practice of sports and participation in cultural activities. All popular sporting activities are catered for. Various, clubs, and religious and cultural societies exist, enabling students to exercise both body and mind.

3. Campus Health Services

  • Student Health Service Centre is located next to the pedestrian Gate number 2.
  • Students are able to have most of their needs dealt with by the Health Service but are referred to the hospital if more specialized attention is needed.
  • Nursing sisters are available daily from 08:00 to 15:30 to assist students and make appointments for them to see a doctor.
  • A doctor is available and could be consulted by appointment.
  • The Student Health Centers also provide services for voluntary counseling and HIV testing.
  • A trained counselor is available to have one-on-one sessions with students.

4. Centre for Academic Excellence (CAE)

CAE is a cross-faculty academic structure that promotes excellence in teaching and learning on both campuses of the University of Limpopo (UL). The mission of CAE is to contribute directly to improving the throughput rate and the quality of teaching and learning at UL through creative and collaborative partnerships with academic staff and students to promote quality and innovation in teaching and learning across all programs in the University.

CAE focuses on Teaching and Learning, Academic Development, Research, and Testing. It supports the coordination of Extended Degree Programmes (EDPs) across the various faculties of the University and teaches a credit-bearing academic skills course to students in the EDPs. It offers professional and personal development courses, life skills courses, and other academic literacy in the University. A Student Mentorship Programme (SMP) is organized by CAE in conjunction with mentor coordinators in the Schools. First-year students are assigned a senior student as a peer mentor to support the student academically and socially in the first year of study.

5. Library

The University of Limpopo Library and Information Service is comprised of one campus library and two branch libraries. The Turfloop Campus Library near Polokwane is a comprehensive academic library while the branch libraries at Mankweng College of Nursing and Polokwane Hospital are mainly health sciences libraries.

The libraries acquire, organize, and facilitate access to information resources, both print and electronic, for use by academic staff, students, and researchers for study, teaching, research, and community development. The branch libraries also cater to the information needs of the employees of the Department of Health in Limpopo Province and the Department is responsible for funding the libraries. The libraries offer standard tertiary library services, including circulation, reserve collection, subject/information librarians, information literacy, document supply, and photocopying.

For more information visit the Library webpage here.


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