UNISA Courses 2025| This is the full and updated list of University of South Africa courses and fees, program admission entry requirements, and faculties available for the 2025 intake.
All candidates seeking admission to study at the University of South Africa (UNISA) for 2025 are hereby directed to check the list of available Undergraduate, Postgraduate, Masters, Certificate, Diploma, Distance Learning programs, and Short Courses offered at UNISA that have gained accreditation before applying.
All you need to know about the University of South Africa is published here on the application portal.co.za has been obtained from the official UNISA website.
Official List of University of South Africa UNISA Courses Offered
Below is the list of courses that you can study at the University of South Africa (UNISA):
- Higher Certificate in Animal Welfare (90098)
- Higher Certificate in Archives and Records Management (98577)
- Higher Certificate in Criminal Justice (90006)
- Higher Certificate in Law (98751)
- Diploma in Policing (98220)
- Diploma in Accounting Sciences (98200)
- Diploma in Administrative Management (98216)
- Diploma in Animal Health (98026 β AHE)
- Diploma in Human Resource Management (98211)
- Diploma in Information Technology (98806 β ITE)
- Diploma in Marketing Management (98202)
- Diploma in Nature Conservation (98024 β NCO)
- Diploma in Ornamental Horticulture (98025 β HOR)
- Diploma in Public Administration and Management (98203)
- Diploma in Security Management (98221)
- Diploma in Small Business Management (90073)
- Diploma in Tourism Management (98223)
- National Diploma: Engineering: Chemical (NDENG)
- National Diploma: Engineering: Civil (NDECI)
- National Diploma: Engineering: Electrical Clinical Engineering (NDEEN β CEN)
- National Diploma: Engineering: Electrical Computer Systems (NDEEN β COS)
- National Diploma: Engineering: Electrical Electronics and Electronic Communication (NDEEN β EEC)
- National Diploma: Engineering: Electrical Mechatronics (NDEEN β MEC)
- National Diploma: Engineering: Electrical Power Engineering (NDEEN β PEN)
- National Diploma: Engineering: Electrical Process Instrumentation (NDEEN β PIN)
- National Diploma: Engineering: Industrial (NDEID)
- National Diploma: Engineering: Mechanical (NDEMC)
- National Diploma: Mine Surveying (NDMSR)
- National Diploma: Mining Engineering (NDMIN)
- National Diploma: Pulp and Paper Technology (NDPPT)
- National Diploma: Safety Management (NDSMN)
- Postgraduate Certificate in Education (Senior Phase and Further Education and Training) New Curriculum (03980 β NEW)
- Advanced Diploma in Accounting Sciences Certificate in The Theory of Accounting (98230 β CTA)
- Advanced Diploma in Accounting Sciences Financial Accounting (98230 β FAC)
- Advanced Diploma in Accounting Sciences Internal Auditing (98230 β AUI)
- Advanced Diploma in Accounting Sciences Management Accounting (98230 β MAC)
- Advanced Diploma in Accounting Sciences Taxation (98230 β TAX)
- Advanced Diploma in Information Resource Management (90007)
- Advanced Diploma in Ornamental and Landscape Horticulture (90094)
- Advanced Diploma in Security Management (98235)
- Baccalaureus Technologiae: Safety Management (BTSMN)
- Bachelor of Accounting Sciences in Financial Accounting (98302 β FAC)
- Bachelor of Accounting Sciences in Internal Auditing (98303 β AUI)
- Bachelor of Accounting Sciences in Management Accounting (98304 β MAC)
- Bachelor of Accounting Sciences in Taxation (98318 β TAX)
- Bachelor of Administration (98315 β BAD)
- Bachelor of Administration in Human Settlements Management (90016 β HSM)
- Bachelor of Arts (99311)
- Bachelor of Arts (Culture and Arts) Multimedia Studies: Audiovisual Multimedia (02305 β MA1)
- Bachelor of Arts (Culture and Arts) Multimedia Studies: Computer-Generated Multimedia (02305 β MC1)
- Bachelor of Arts (Culture and Arts) Multimedia Studies: Multimedia in Digital Visual Arts (02305 β MMD)
- Bachelor of Arts (Culture and Arts) Multimedia Studies: Visual Multimedia (02305 β MV1)
- Bachelor of Arts (Health Sciences and Social Services Applied Psychology for Professional Contexts (02313 β APP)
- Bachelor of Arts (Health Sciences and Social Services Community and Health Psychology (02313 β CHP)
- Bachelor of Arts (Health Sciences and Social Services Psychological Counselling (02313 β COU)
- Bachelor of Arts (Human and Social Studies) Public Administration and Communication Facilitation (02291 β PAF)
- Bachelor of Arts in Communication Science (98051)
- Bachelor of Arts in Community Development (98618)
- Bachelor of Arts in Creative Writing (99313)
- Bachelor of Arts in Criminology (98681)
- Bachelor of Arts in Development Studies (99312)
- Bachelor of Arts in Environmental Management (98055)
- Bachelor of Arts in Government, Administration and Development (99301)
- Bachelor of Arts in International Relations (99302)
- Bachelor of Arts in Police Science (98683)
- Bachelor of Arts in Policy Studies (99303)
- Bachelor of Arts in Political Leadership and Citizenship (99304)
- Bachelor of Arts in Politics, Philosophy and Economics (90079)
- Bachelor of Business Administration (98316 β BBA)
- Bachelor of Commerce (98314 β GEN)
- Bachelor of Commerce in Business Management (98310 β BSM)
- Bachelor of Commerce in Economics (98305 β ECS)
- Bachelor of Commerce in Financial Management (98306 β FMN)
- Bachelor of Commerce in Human Resource Management (98307 β HRM)
- Bachelor of Commerce in Industrial and Organisational Psychology (98308 β IOP)
- Bachelor of Commerce in Law Law (98309 β LAW)
- Bachelor of Commerce in Marketing Management (98301 β MKT)
- Bachelor of Commerce in Public Procurement Management (98767 β PPM)
- Bachelor of Commerce in Quantitative Management Revised Curriculum 2019 (98311 β QMA)
- Bachelor of Commerce in Supply Chain and Operations Management (98766 β SCM)
- Bachelor of Commerce in Tourism Management (98312 β TRT)
- Bachelor of Commerce in Transport and Logistics (98313 β TRL)
- Bachelor of Consumer Science (Fashion Retail Management Stream) (98005 β FAR)
- Bachelor of Consumer Science (Fashion Small-business Management Stream) (98005 β FSB)
- Bachelor of Consumer Science (Food Retail Management Stream) (98005 β FOR)
- Bachelor of Consumer Science (Food and Clothing Stream) (98005 β FCL)
- Bachelor of Consumer Science (Food and Nutrition Stream) (98005 β FNU)
- Bachelor of Consumer Science (Hospitality Management Stream) (98005 β HOM)
- Bachelor of Information Science (99310)
- Bachelor of Laws New 2018 (98680 β NEW)
- Bachelor of Music (90089)
- Bachelor of Science Applied Mathematics and Computer Science Stream (98801 β AMC)
- Bachelor of Science Applied Mathematics and Physics Stream (98801 β AMP)
- Bachelor of Science Applied Mathematics and Statistics Stream (98801 β AMS)
- Bachelor of Science Chemistry and Applied Mathematics Stream (98801 β CAM)
- Bachelor of Science Chemistry and Computer Science Stream (98801 β CCS)
- Bachelor of Science Chemistry and Information Systems Stream (98801 β CIS)
- Bachelor of Science Chemistry and Physics Stream (98801 β CAP)
- Bachelor of Science Chemistry and Statistics Stream (98801 β CAS)
- Bachelor of Science General (98801 β GEN)
- Bachelor of Science Mathematics and Applied Mathematics Stream (98801 β MAM)
- Bachelor of Science Mathematics and Chemistry Stream (98801 β MAC)
- Bachelor of Science Mathematics and Computer Science Stream (98801 β MCS)
- Bachelor of Science Mathematics and Information Systems Stream (98801 β MIS)
- Bachelor of Science Mathematics and Physics Stream (98801 β MAP)
- Bachelor of Science Mathematics and Statistics Stream (98801 β MAS)
- Bachelor of Science Statistics and Physics Stream (98801 β STP)
- Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Science (Agricultural Business and Management stream) (90082 β ABM)
- Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Science (Animal Science Stream) (90082 β ANS)
- Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Science (Plant Science Stream) (90082 β PLS)
- Bachelor of Science in Computing (98906 β COM)
- Bachelor of Science in Environmental Management (Botany Stream) (98052 β EBO)
- Bachelor of Science in Environmental Management (Chemistry Stream) (98052 β ECH)
- Bachelor of Science in Environmental Management (Zoology Stream) (98052 β EZO)
- Bachelor of Science in Informatics (98907 β INF)
- Bachelor of Science in Life Sciences (Biochemistry (or Physiology or Microbiology) with Business Management Stream) (98053 β BBM)
- Bachelor of Science in Life Sciences (Biochemistry and Botany Stream) (98053 β BAB)
- Bachelor of Science in Life Sciences (Biochemistry and Microbiology Stream) (98053 β BAM)
- Bachelor of Science in Life Sciences (Biochemistry and Physiology Stream) (98053 β BAP)
- Bachelor of Science in Life Sciences (Biochemistry and Zoology Stream) (98053 β BAZ)
- Bachelor of Science in Life Sciences (Botany and Microbiology Stream) (98053 β BNM)
- Bachelor of Science in Life Sciences (Botany and Zoology (with Geography) Stream) (98053 β BZG)
- Bachelor of Science in Life Sciences (Microbiology and Physiology Stream) (98053 β MAP)
- Bachelor of Science in Life Sciences (Microbiology and Zoology Stream) (98053 β MAZ)
- Bachelor of Science in Life Sciences (Physiology and Zoology Stream) (98053 β PAZ)
- Bachelor of Science in Life Sciences Biomedical Sciences (98053 β BMI)
- Bachelor of Science in Life Sciences Biotechnology Stream (98053 β BIT)
- Bachelor of Science in Life Sciences Genetics and Zoology (or Botany, Microbiology, Physiology or Biochemistry) (98053 β GZB)
- Bachelor of Science in Life Sciences Psychology and Physiology Stream (with Genetics) (98053 β PPG)
- Bachelor of Theology General (1 Major) (99305 β GEN)
- Bachelor of Theology General (2 Majors) (99305 β GE2)
- Bachelor of Theology General (4 Half Majors) (99305 β GE4)
- Bachelor of Visual Arts (02224)