IPSA Late Application 2025/2026 | How to Apply

International Peace College South Africa (IPSA) Late Application 2025/2026, See how to obtain the International Peace College South Africa (IPSA) Late Online Application Form, available programs, and requirements below.


IPSA Online Late Application Form 2025 

Applications for late entry are invited from suitably qualified candidates for admission into the Postgraduate, Undergraduate, Diploma, and Certificate program of the International Peace College South Africa (IPSA) for the 2025  academic year.

International Peace College South Africa (IPSA) is innovative, providing a holistic tertiary education experience. It offers accredited Postgraduate, Undergraduate, certificate, and diploma studies through career-oriented programs.

The Admissions office at the International Peace College South Africa (IPSA) is responsible for:

  • Welcoming all first-time entry applicants to the College;
  • Assisting faculties in meeting their enrolment targets by admitting applicants who can succeed at the College.
  • Providing admission and academic program advice to all prospective applicants as well as parents who want their children to study at International Peace College South Africa (IPSA);
  • Assisting applicants with application forms and booklets with information on academic programs, requirements, and academic program duration. Applicants must observe these requirements before they apply to study at the International Peace College South Africa (IPSA).

IPSA Courses Offered


Introduction including accreditation

This program is accredited by the Department of Higher Education and South African Qualifications Authority as qualification at National Qualification Framework 5 (post-matric).

This qualification is available to all matriculants, who do not have a university pass (see the BA Islamic Studies for those who obtained a university pass).

The duration of the program is one year.

The Higher Certificate in Islamic Studies (HCIS) is aimed at providing students with the social, cognitive and emotional skills which are essential components of coping strategies to face the challenges of daily life.

It will concentrate on character strengths that enhance moral competence while giving students a solid grounding in Islam.

Central to the development of character strengths and coping skills is the example of the Prophet (SAW) who is described in the Qur’an as:

‘Indeed you (O Muhammad) are on an excellent standard of character’ (Q68:4)


A cursory glance at the character-building and skills training built up during the period will make you realize that these are transferable skills, and can be used anywhere – in society, personally, and academically.

  • It will make you more resilient to face the challenges of society
  • It will make you manage relationships better
  • It will help you improve your ability to pursue further studies
  • It will enable you to hone your skills in life coaching


The Global Leadership and Life Orientation

This is essentially a life coaching course that deals with life coaching, positive thinking, goal setting, self-esteem, time-management, etc.

Interpersonal Interactions and Marital Relations

This course looks at fostering good moral values such as justice, equity, and sacrifice and detestable social habits such as arrogance, uncontrolled anger, and hypocrisy, particularly in marital relations.

Academic Skills

It covers critical analysis, problem-solving, decision-making, conflict resolution, writing skills, oral presentations, etc.

Sīrah (Biography) of Muhammad (SAW) 

The biography of the Prophet (SAW) enables us to consider his conduct under different circumstances throughout his life.

The meanings of the Qur’an, Qur’an literacy, Qur’anic Recitation and Memorisation

Learn to recite the Qur’an with Tajweed and Memorise the short suwar of the Qur’an.

Engage with the Higher Objective of the Qur’an, Interfaith Responsibilities, Spiritual and Moral Welfare of Society, Socio-Economic Welfare, etc.

Learning Arabic through the Qur’an

The meanings of the Qur’an are considered through understanding the Surah Ḥujurāt (also known as Suratul Akhlāq) and Surah Yusuf.

Devotional Arabic

A collection of selected duas made on various occasions such as janaazas, weddings, birthdays, etc.

Islamic Laws of Worship

This covers the Laws and accompanying duas including Arkaans of Iman, Islam, and Al-Ihsaan.

Tohaarah, Salaah (including Jumuah and Janaazah), Zakaah, Saum, and Hajj, and four Mathahib are covered.

Aqeedah (The Creed of Islam)

Getting to know Allah (SWT) through the Asma ul-Husna (the divine attributes of Allah), the attributes that are waajib (essential), must heel (impossible), and attributes that are jaa-iez (possible) for Allah.

Higher Certificate in Islamic Studies (HCIS) – minimum 1 Year full-time and minimum 2 Years part-time

The HCIS program aims to enhance spiritual consciousness and provide a deeper understanding of Islām. A student will gain a solid introduction to the various fields of Islamic knowledge, including literacy, research skills as well as leadership capabilities, which ultimately aim at inspiring moral regeneration. The program, thus, acts as a catalyst for change.

Since 2014 the Higher Certificate in Islamic Studies Programme (HCIS) has included a specially designed ‘Leadership & Youth Development’ module. Completing the HCIS successfully allows entrance to the IPSA Bachelor of Arts Islamic Studies program.

Our courses that are run part-time are during normal class hours which are:
Monday to Thursday – 8 am to 3 pm
Friday – 8 am to 12 pm.

Arabic through Qur`ān
Qur`ān Literacy
Devotional Arabic
Principles of Qur’ānic Recitation and Memorization
Fiqh: Islamic Laws of Worship
‘Aqīdah (Islamic Belief)
Meanings of the Qur’ān
Sīrah: Prophetic Biography
Islamic Interpersonal Relationships
Global Leadership & Youth Development
Critical Reading & Writing Skills Development

The HCIS Program is run over two semesters, with the above-listed modules offered in both semesters one and two throughout the year. See the IPSA Student Handbook for further details.



The ultimate purpose of the BAIS program is to produce graduates with a core set of skills and knowledge that meet the needs of those seeking a deeper and thorough understanding of Islam. The programme acts as a platform for further postgraduate and other studies in the field and provides a thorough basis for those wishing to become religious functionaries. This course will enable the student to major in two main fields in Islamic Studies, Sharī`ah Law and Arabic.

The Programme aims at delivering:

  • Core knowledge of the major Islamic
  • Key disciplines of Islamic Law, Qur’anic exegesis and Prophetic
  • Induction into Arabic, the language of Islam’s primary sources and the principal language of its scholarship.
  • Tertiary academic conventions through specific modules of academic development, research and writing
  • A key set of academic skills and a thorough sensitivity to the South African context in which this knowledge is
  • Through Islamic History, Religious Studies and contextual nature of Islamic law, students are made fully cognizant of issues relating to diversity and context.
Year One Year Two Year Three
Major : Arabic Modules Major : Arabic Modules Major : Arabic Modules
Elementry Arabic Intermediate Arabic level one Advanced Arabic level one
Pre-intermediate Arabic Intermediate Arabic level two Advanced Arabic level one
Principles of Qur’anic Recitation Textual Readings: Qur’an Textual Readings: Islamic Law
Basic Textual Reading:
Phrophectic precepts
 Textual Reading:
Phrophectic precepts
Textual Readings: Islamic
Major : Islamic Studies Modules Major : Islamic Studies Modules Major : Islamic Studies Modules
Islamic Laws of Worship Muslim Personal Law 1 Classical Islamic Commercial Law
Laws of Worship: Applications  Muslim Personal Law 2 Islamic Banking & Finance
Legislative History Principles of Jurisprudence Islamic Law of Succession, Bequests
and Endowments
Phrophetic Precepts: Ulum al-Hadith Qur’anic Studies Qur’anic Studies 1
Phrophetic Precepts: Ulum al-Hadith Qur’anic Studies 2
Phrophetic Precepts 1
Phrophetic Precepts 2
Humanities Modules Humanities Modules Humanities Modules
History: Source Methodology in the
Sirah and the Makkan Perion
History: Themes from classical Mulim
Contemporary Islamic Thought
History: The Madinan Period History: Islam in South Africa
Academic Development 1 Religious Studies: Ancient, Eastern
and African Religions
Academic Development 2 Religious Studies: Semitic Religions


The BA Program is run over two semesters. Some modules are presented in one semester, while others are are presented over two, with of them being pre-requisites of another. See the IPSA Student Handbook for further details.

Units under the Arabic Module include, Nahw (Arabic Grammar); Sarf (Science of Morphology); Muhadathah (Conversation); Qira’ah (Reading & Comprehension); Insha (Writing & Composition); Khatt & Imla (Writing & Dictation); selected Arabic Textual Reading.


The BA Program of each academic year is run over two semesters. Some modules are presented in one semester, while others are presented over two, with some of them being pre-requisites of another. See the IPSA Student Handbook for further details.

Units under the Arabic Module include, Naḥw (Arabic Grammar); Ṣarf (Science of Morphology); Muḥādathah (Conversation); Qirā’ah (Reading & Comprehension); Inshā (Writing & Composition); Khatt Imlā’ (Writing & Dictation); selected Arabic Textual Reading. All Arabic units must be passed to fulfill the requirements of the module, in order to succeed to the next level.



It is aimed to bring together Islamic and western, old and contemporary, traditional and critical scholarships – within a framework of shared values. Each student is expected to make original contributions during their course of study based on their unique professional and academic experience.

The focus of the BAHIS programme will be to develop the methodology, framework and research skills required for further post graduate study at masters level. IPSAs educational philosophy and approach is one that is firmly rooted in Qurán, Hadith, and the rich history of fifteen hundred years of traditional scholarship, whilst it will essentially favour a contemporary and future orientation over an historical orientation. It will emphasise a holistic approach over simplicity, moral values over literalism, a multi-dimension approach over binarism, re-construction over deconstruction and purposes and principles over rules.

We are very excited about this new revised BAHIS programme. We hope that you enjoy your journey with us and we look forward to hearing about your experiences and reflections on it.


The Bachelor Honours Degree in Islamic Studies offered at IPSA is a postgraduate specialisation qualification at NQF Exit Level 8. It is essentially aimed at preparing students for research-based postgraduate study at Masters Level. The Honours qualification is generally undertaken after a student has completed a 3-year Bachelor degree or similar qualification at NQF Exit Level 7 in an appropriate field. The BAHIS programme also serves as the first year of postgraduate study in Islamic Studies at IPSA. It provides the opportunity for further intensive academic pursuance of Islamic studies.

The primary purpose of this qualification is to consolidate and deepen the student’s understanding and expertise in the Islamic studies discipline, and to develop research capacity in the methodology and techniques of that discipline. This qualification demands a high level of theoretical engagement and intellectual independence. It aims to educate and train researchers who can contribute to the development of knowledge at an advanced level and prepare graduates to contribute to the scholarly study and advanced application of Islam to contemporary challenges, and provide students in South Africa, the Muslim world and beyond, with new methods of dealing with these challenges.

The Bachelor of Arts Honours Degree in Islamic Studies develops advanced research skills in Islamic studies through the successful completion of a substantial scholarly research project. The course develops skills in Islamic studies methods, critical analysis of relevant literature, cogent and sustained argument, and clear, precise writing. Students will learn to work under supervision and take up research in a specialised Islamic studies field.


1. Minimum duration of the programme is one full academic year consisting of two semesters. Individuals registered as Full Time students are expected to complete the programme in one academic year.

2. Students registered for part time study may complete the programme in no less than two years.


Code Title NQF Level NQF Credits Lecturer Hours Semester
Group A ISL408S Research project (Compulsory) 8 30 20 2
ISL401F Research Methods and Theoretical Approach to the Study of Islam (compulsory) 8 24 30 1
ISL402F Readings in Maqasid Al-Shariah (compulsory) 8 24 30 1
Group B ISL403F Contemporary Islamic Thought (elective) 8 24 30 1
ISL405S Contemporary Law (elective) 8 24 30 2
ISL408S Contemporary Muslim Societies and Organisations (elective) 8 24 30 2
ARA404F Advanced Arabic Level 3 (elective) 8 24 30 2
Total Credits Required 126




Graduates in Islamic Studies, religious studies or a related field wherein the study of Islam was a significant component, and students interested in a more detailed study of Islam as well as teachers of this discipline at schools and other tertiary institutions are strongly advised to do the BAHIS programme.

    1. Unless IPSA Council decides otherwise, candidates will be required to meet the following criteria to be enrolled for the degree, Bachelor of Arts Honours:
      1. Students in possession of a qualification at NQF exit level 7 in Islamic Studies, religious studies or a related field wherein the study of Islam was a significant component and have obtained an average of at least 60% in the final assessment of the final year courses for the Bachelor’s degree.
      1. A graduate in an area of study which the IPSA Council considers appropriate of this College or another institution recognised by the IPSA Council for this purpose may be admitted to a programme leading to the degree of Bachelor Honours.
      1. A person who has in any other manner attained a level of competence which, in the opinion of IPSA Council, is adequate for the purpose of admission as a candidate for the degree.
      1. Section (a) and (b) above is subject to IPSA’s Extended Honours Programme and RPL admission pathway.
  1. A candidate shall attend and complete the BA Honours programme in a field of study specified in the rules for the degree concerned.
    1. IPSA has aligned the BA Honours programme’s admission criteria to keep in line with the National Plan for Higher Education’s (NPHE’s) goal of widening access to higher education by setting equity.
    1. This policy provides, where possible, for flexible entry routes, which includes RPL, as well as additional requirements for the programme, where applicable.
    1. IPSA has further introduced an extended Honours programme for students who may need to fulfil certain pre-requirements in order not to compromise the general standard and quality.
  1. The details of these pathways is published in a policy document on RPL and Alternative Pathways.

IPSA Application Requirements

  1. You’ll need an email address to complete the application.
  2. South African applicants will need an ID number.  Foreign applicants will need their passport numbers.
  3. You will need to pay an application fee (if applicable).
  4. Remember to check faculty-courses requirements before applying.

>>>See also: IPSA Fees Structure 2025

How to Apply Online

  1. Visit the International Peace College South Africa (IPSA) application portal via https://www.ipsa-edu.org/
  2. Select Admission Link and Click on Apply Now Link
  3. Enter your details and click on Create Account Button


  1. No complaint of wrong Bio-Data will be entertained after submission.
  2. Candidates who up-load wrong bio-data will automatically be disqualified.

IPSA Contact Details

Cnr of Johnston & Duine Road, Rylands Estate 7764,  Cape Town, South Africa.

PO Box 38316, Gatesville, 7766

  • +27 21 638 1121
  •  info@ipsa-edu.org


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