African Tax Administration Forum\u2019s (ATAF) 2nd Africa-wide Tax Essay Competition application 2019 | How to apply online.<\/strong><\/p>\n
The full details of African Tax Administration Forum\u2019s (ATAF) 2nd Africa-wide Tax Essay Competition<\/strong> application form, requirements, eligibility, qualifications needed, application guidelines, application deadline, how to apply online, closing date, and other opportunities links for Tanzanians is published here on<\/a>\u00a0as well as on the official website\/application portal.<\/p>\n
All Eligible and Interested applicants may apply online for this opportunity before the African Tax Administration Forum\u2019s (ATAF) 2nd Africa-wide Tax Essay Competition\u00a0<\/strong>application form deadline-closing date.<\/p>\n
The African Tax Administration Forum (ATAF) is pleased to announce the\u00a02nd Africa wide Tax Essay Competition (ATEC) 2019. The essay competition is designed to encourage young African researchers, academics and tax officials to identify problems or challenges faced by African tax administrations and propose innovative solutions.<\/p>\n
The ATAF 2nd Africa-wide Tax Essay Competition (ATEC) gives you the opportunity to bring forward your feasible and readily implementable solutions on how African tax administrations can innovatively tax the digitalised economy. Essays should address issues regarding creative ideas that can lead to ground-breaking solutions to the tax challenges posed by digitalisation. For this year\u2019s competition, participants are required to write on the following topic:\u00a0African perspectives on the tax challenges from the digitalisation of the economy.<\/strong><\/p>\n
The prizes of the ATAF 2nd Africa-wide Tax Essay Competition 2019 will be as follows:<\/p>\n
Essay Format Requirements<\/strong><\/p>\n
The essay must conform to the following standard structure or outline: Introduction, Problem Statement, Methodology, Key findings, Implications of findings, Key implementable recommendations<\/p>\n
The following specifications must be followed:<\/p>\n
Evaluation Criteria<\/strong><\/p>\n
The ATEC 2019 essays will be evaluated based on the following criteria:<\/p>\n
The ATAF reserves the right to award fewer or lesser prizes (or no prizes at all) if the judges determine that all submissions (or insufficient submissions) do not merit selection.<\/p>\n
Click here to apply<\/a><\/p>\n
For more information, visit\u00a0ATAF Competition<\/a>.<\/strong><\/p>\n